Bringing Video Ad Creativity to Mobile’s Full-Screen Canvas: Digital Turbine’s Mark Slade

CANNES — Advertising creativity is celebrated each year at the Cannes Lions festival. But ironically, when those same ads play out in digital media, they are often relegated to feeds, screen corners or other sub-optimal placements. “Ultimately, we don’t allow that creativity to shine on the digital platforms,” complains Mark Slade, VP of Brand at [...]

Bringing Video Ad Creativity to Mobile’s Full-Screen Canvas: Digital Turbine’s Mark Slade
CANNES — Advertising creativity is celebrated each year at the Cannes Lions festival. But ironically, when those same ads play out in digital media, they are often relegated to feeds, screen corners or other sub-optimal placements. “Ultimately, we don’t allow that creativity to shine on the digital platforms,” complains Mark Slade, VP of Brand at mobile ad-tech company Digital Turbine, in this video interview with Beet.TV. “That for me is the biggest challenge around how digital displays this wonderful video creativity.” Mimicking TV’s Full-Screen Experience Digital Turbine is a software company whose technology facilitates app discovery, user acquisition, and engagement for advertisers. Digital Turbine’s in-app mobile ad formats aim to elevate creativity by mimicking the TV viewing experience. The ads take over the full screen, pausing the app’s content, whether it’s a game or a video, while playing out with the sound on. “They stop the content, whether that’s the game that you are playing or the content that you are consuming, we play the video and then we go back to the content just like TV on the full screen with the audio on, with all the metrics that you would expect from a video ad,” Slade explains. Getting Creative With Interactivity Mobile’s intimate nature also opens up new opportunities for interactivity that can extend the story of the video creative. Slade cites examples from the entertainment sector, where Digital Turbine has enabled rich media overlays that let viewers engage with the characters from the ad. “What we’ve started to see is that brands and agencies getting a lot more creative in the way they add interactivity around that video,” he says. “For me, that’s the exciting thing about mobile versus maybe traditional TV or cinema. We can take that experience that you get from that video ad and then add that interactivity on top.” You’re watching coverage of Beet.TV’s Global Leadership Summit: Data, Identity & Measurement, a Beet.TV Leadership Series at Cannes Lions 2024, presented by Digital Turbine, IAS, Intent IQ & TransUnion. For more videos from this series, please visit this page. To view all of Beet.TV’s Cannes Lions 2024 content, please visit this page.