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Member since Sep 14, 2022

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Guatemalan Appeals Court Revokes Order to Grant House Arrest...

A Guatemalan appeals court has revoked a judge’s order to give house arrest to journalist José Rubén Zamora, known for railing against...


Peru Eases Chinese Port Dispute Ahead of President's Meeting...

LIMA (Reuters) - Peru asked a judge to withdraw its request to strip a Chinese state-owned company's exclusive rights to operate a...


Rival Revival: Texas Snags Baseball Coach Schlossnagle...

Texas A&M baseball coach Jim Schlossnagle is leaving the Aggies for rival Texas


UKMTO Flags Missile Near Vessel South of Yemen's Aden

CAIRO (Reuters) - The captain of a merchant vessel reported a missile hitting the water near the ship 52 nautical miles south of Yemen's...


Judge Strikes Down Montana Law Defining Sex as Only Male...

A judge has struck down a Montana law that defined sex as only male or female, finding that it was unconstitutional


Farmers 'at war' with countryside crime gangs

One farmer told the BBC he faces 'constant warfare' against balaclava-clad thieves.


Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manele in Canberra to Discuss...

CANBERRA (Reuters) - Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele met Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese in Canberra on Wednesday...


NCAA Council Votes to Remove Cannabis From Banned Drug...

The NCAA Division I Council voted Tuesday to remove cannabis products from the banned drug substance list and end limits on how many...


Woman Pleads Guilty to Murder of Hollywood Consultant and...

A woman has pleaded guilty to the killing of high-profile marketing consultant and social justice advocate Michael Latt


Death of amateur boxer an accident, coroner rules

Jubal Reji Kurian died after he was knocked unconscious during a boxing competition in Nottingham.


Royal Mail buyer to make offer for all staff shares

He needs the approval of shareholders of three quarters of the business.


Cabinet minister admits three election date bets

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack says he had "no knowledge of the date of the election" when he placed the bets


Chris Mason: Why the betting saga matters

The betting revelations reveal something about the judgement of those in senior roles.


Delaware Senate Gives Final Approval to Bill Mandating...

Democratic lawmakers in Delaware have given final approval to a bill requiring most private health insurance plans and the state’s...


Man Who Diverted National Park River to Ease Boat Access...

A man convicted of diverting a national park river to ease boat access to Lake Michigan has been placed on probation for five years


Olympic Champion Swimmers Tell Congress U.S. Athletes Have...

Two former U.S. Olympic gold medalists say they've lost faith in the World Anti-Doping Agency to rid their sports of cheaters ahead...

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