Peacock Ready For Paris: NBCU’s Noval On A Step-Change In Olympics Coverage

In years gone by, NBC’s Olympics coverage was sometime criticised for practices like airing events on tape-delay due to broadcast schedules. But the infinite space afforded by online distribution changes all that. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Josh Noval, SVP of NBC Olympics & Paralympics Advertising & Partnerships at NBCUniversal, explains the role Peacock will [...]

Peacock Ready For Paris: NBCU’s Noval On A Step-Change In Olympics Coverage
In years gone by, NBC’s Olympics coverage was sometime criticised for practices like airing events on tape-delay due to broadcast schedules. But the infinite space afforded by online distribution changes all that. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Josh Noval, SVP of NBC Olympics & Paralympics Advertising & Partnerships at NBCUniversal, explains the role Peacock will play in NBCU’s coverage of the upcoming Paris games during July and August. Peacock Takes Center Stage with Comprehensive Coverage As the focal point for streaming, Peacock is gearing up to provide a higher level of Olympic coverage. For the first time, every single event will be available live on the platform, offering over 5,000 hours of content. “All 329 medal events are going to take place live on Peacock – over 5,000 hours worth of coverage, which is kind of hard to wrap your head around, but every event is going to be streamed live,” Noval explains. “In addition to that, we’ll have full event replays. You’re going to have full highlight packages, and then there’ll be some original content as well.” Innovative features like Gold Zone, a Red Zone-style whip-around show, and Peacock Live Actions, allowing viewers to seamlessly switch between events, aim to enhance the user experience. The Discovery Multiview platform will provide context for each stream, while improved navigation makes it easier for fans to find and save their favorite events. Programmatic Advertising and Unified Narratives The Paris Olympics also mark a significant shift in advertising opportunities, with programmatic buying being offered for the first time. Advertisers can enter either programmatically or through direct IO, providing flexibility and the chance to capitalize on opportunistic inventory. To build a compelling narrative for advertisers, NBCUniversal has been implementing a revised promotional strategy since January 2023. By incorporating entertainment personalities like Paris Hilton, Dolly Parton, and Cardi B into their consumer marketing efforts, they aim to reach a diverse range of potential Olympic fans. “We want to try to reach as many different genres of potential Olympic fans out there in as connective way as possible through these different events,” Noval says. “So I think we’ve been really successful at trying to implement that strategy over the last year and a half.” Athlete Stories and Parisian Culture Take the Spotlight Beyond the competition, NBCUniversal aims to showcase the stories of the athletes and the vibrant culture of Paris. By capturing content with Team USA hopefuls and following their journeys, viewers will have the opportunity to connect with the Olympians on a deeper level. “I think what’s really interesting about Paris is being able to not only see other athletes perform during the competition, but what’s it going to be like for these athletes experiencing Paris social life, being able to experience behind the scenes?” Noval muses. “What’s it like in the athlete village being able to really see what are they doing in Paris? How’s the fashion, the culture, the food influencing everything that’s happening both on and off the court.” The world, and Peacock viewers, will soon find out.